Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Wasting Time

I was scolded by my wife the other day like I was a 5-year old. The reason? Because I "waste" a lot of time on Facebook, and the new culprit, Okay, I admit, I often do act like a 5-year old and I even scolded myself on how much time I spent looking at

But what can you do, it's probably the funniest website I have ever seen. A lot of it is inappropriate (although they now have a G-rated filter) but the rest fits my kind of humor like a glove. Of course my wife looks at me with disgust when I laugh my head off because a guy probably just broke a few ribs falling off a ladder he was trying to sell on an infomercial, but I just can't help it. Besides, being productive in life is over-rated. The point of this post?

1. To tell you why I haven't posted anything in a week. I have been busy on
2. To justify looking at

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