Friday, November 09, 2007

The Future of Justification - Free Online Copy

In case your interested and follow up on NT scholarship and the current "New Perspective" debate, a new Piper book The Future of Justification: A Response to N.T. Wright was recently released. Now, I don't mean to betray my devotion to so you can still click on the link above and buy it from or you can click HERE and download the entire book from Piper's Desiring God website in pdf (just click on the small link 'read'). Either way, I am sure it will be a helpful read, whichever side of the debate you tend towards.


Anonymous said...

Within his courteous treatment of Wright, Piper used these words and others to describe Wright’s treatment of the gospel and justification - “disfigured,” “distorted,” and “blurred.” Just how disfigured, distorted and blurred does teaching on the gospel have to become before Galatians 1:8-9 applies? I would like to know where Piper and others would draw the line.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.