Monday, March 31, 2008

America and the Rapture Obsession

I don't know where I got this picture from but I found it in My Pictures as I was rumaging. I happened to be rumaging the same day I was reading through N.T. Wright's new book, Surprised By Hope and was even furthered in my conviction that we've made a mountain out of a non-existing mole hill in our Lahaye, Left Behind fervor. I for one don't believe in any sort of rapture, but like the sign says, in case of rapture, my eschatology will change. But it almost seems like there is this fear in some churches that if you don't believe in the rapture you won't participate in the rapture. If the idea of the rapture is somewhat debatable in Scripture the idea that if you don't believe in it you don't participate in the 2nd coming is not.

Anyway, Wright does a great job of dispelling the 2 (that's right, only 2) proof-texts given in favor of a rapture in favor of a much more holistic and culturally plausible exegesis of those texts.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


My first post on the controversy at WTS. I have not been in the right mind before to post something I wouldn't regret, but I think I have calmed a little bit.

The Board of Westminster Theological Seminary had an emergency board meeting to discuss the orthodoxy and issues surrounding Pete Enns’ book Inspiration and Incarnation.

After the meeting the following announcement was sent to the board, faculty, and students of Westminster:

March 27, 2008
Thank you very much for your prayers for the special meeting of the Board of Trustees that was held on March 26 to address the disunity of the faculty regarding the theological issues related to Dr. Peter Enns’ book, Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament. After a full day of deliberation, the Board of Trustees took the following action by decisive vote:

“That for the good of the Seminary (Faculty Manual II.4.C.4) Professor Peter Enns be suspended at the close of this school year, that is May 23, 2008 (Constitution Article III, Section 15), and that the Institutional Personnel Committee (IPC) recommend the appropriate process for the Board to consider whether Professor Enns should be terminated from his employment at the Seminary. Further that the IPC present their recommendations to the Board at its meeting in May 2008.”

In order to provide the entire Westminster community with a more complete understanding of the Board’s decision and to offer an opportunity for questions and dialogue, the Chairman and Secretary of the Board will join the President on campus for a special chapel on Tuesday, April 1 at 10:30 am. Students and staff are encouraged to attend and participate. Following that special chapel, they will hold a separate meeting with the faculty.Our concern is to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and assure a faithful witness for Westminster for years to come. To that end, please pray for everyone involved during the next two months.

Jack White

Chairman of the Board

Peter Enns has shaped and formed my theology in ways that I will be forever grateful. I feel that WTS is losing an extremely important asset to their theological relevancy in the academic world. Please be praying for everyone involved.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Top Ten of 2007

I know the days of "Top Ten of 2007" are over but as an avid movie watcher I thought I would give you my list of the top 10 documentary/independent movies I saw in 2007. I love documentaries and indie films but my wife is not such a huge fan. Anyway, some are on the list because they really inspired me or helped me understand the world in a different way while others are on the list because I thought it was fascinating and interesting. I decided on listing only documentaries and indie films for 2 reasons: One, it was a much easier and smaller list to handle than all of the movies I saw in 2007 and Two, these are probably movies most of you haven't ever heard of so maybe you'll go pick a few up and give them a try. Without further ado, the list (in no particular order):

1. Ushpizin (2005): A Jewish sub-titled 'indie' film about the festival of Succoth. In the "helped me understand the world in a different way" category.

2. The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007): A documentary about video gaming culture and the journey of one "outsider" to break the long-standing Donkey Kong record. Definitely in the "fascinating" category.

3. The Agronomist (2002): A documentary following Jean Dominique, a Haitian journalist fighting for human rights. Category: inspiring.

4. Year of the Yao (2004): Documentary that followed Yao Ming, NBA star of the Houston Rockets, in his first year in America. Category: fascinating & interesting.

5. Once in a Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos (2006): Documentary about the soccer team the NY Cosmos and how they revolutionized soccer in America. Category: fascinating & interesting.

6. God Grew Tired of Us (2005): A Documentary following the Lost Boys of Sudan. Absolutely incredible. Category: ALL of the above.

7. Primer (2003): An incredibly low budget film made by 3 guys. highly involved and philosophical. Category: fascinating.

8. Color of the Cross (2006): A racially charged re-telling of the story of Jesus's death. Category: While not agreeing with the interpretation, it definitely widened my worldview in a healthy way.

9. The Heart of the Game (2005): Follows a high school girls basketball team. Category: Inspiring.

10. Devil's Playground (2002): A documentary that goes into the Amish teenagers "Rumspringa" or time of "sowing wild oats". Category: fascinating.

Honorable Mentions (all released in 2005 oddly enough): On a Clear Day, Grizzly Man, The Boys of Baraka, Chalk